尼思特医生是一位经验丰富的知名玻璃体视网膜眼科专家,擅长各种玻璃体和视网膜疾病及手术,尤其是糖尿病性视网膜病变、黄斑手术及复杂性的后房创伤疾病。他曾在印度知名的Shri Ganesh Vinayak 眼科医院担任玻璃体视网膜疾病部门主管及顾问医师。
尼思特医生2008年毕业于世界卫生组织所属的印度赖布尔眼科研究所,随后即在世界闻名的印度Sankara Nethralaya 眼科医院接受玻璃体视网膜疾病的专业临床培训,在此期间,他还出色地完成了眼科研究培训,为他将来在眼科临床和眼科学术研究领域的发展奠定了基础。在完成了临床和研究培训之后,尼思特医生随即加入了印度知名的Vasan眼科中心,以玻璃体视网膜眼科医生的身份,在印度南北部各区域为患者提供眼科治疗。2012年,他跟随世界知名的Anka Stanojevic教授共同参与了在Uvea Centar印度眼科疾病研究中心的短期研究项目。为服务世界各地有需要的病人,尼思特医生毅然离开印度,远赴非洲加入Agarwal眼科医院担任眼科主任,服务当地患者,并培训当地基层医生。期间他积极参与各项眼科研究,包括埃塞俄比亚OIA眼科中心的 “中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变” 研究项目。
Dr Nishant Radke is a Consultant and the Head of Retina and Vitreous Services at the Shri Ganesh Vinayak Eye Hospital, Raipur. He obtained his Masters from the WHO Upgraded Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Raipur in 2008, and completed his clinical fellowship in Retina and Vitreous at the prestigious Shri. Bhagwan Mahaveer Vitreo-Retina Services, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai. During this time, he also completed a 6-month research fellowship at the Sankara Nethralaya Vision Research Foundation. Following this, he joined the Vasan Eye Care Group of Hospitals as its Retina Surgeon, and offered services in different locations across India. In 2012, he completed a shorterm Uvea fellowship under the direction of Prof Anka Stanojevic at the Uvea Centar, Belgrade. To serve more patients in need in other parts of the world, he has worked as an Ophthalmologist and Vitreo-retina Surgeon at the Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital Group in Africa, and participated in a CSR project at the OIA-India Eye Care in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as a capacity building ophthalmology training local doctor
His key areas of interest are diabetic retinopathy, macular surgeries and complex posterior segment trauma. He has presented 15 papers at state, national and international conferences, and 8 posters as the Chief Author. He has also co–authored 3 other paper presentations at national conferences. Currently, he has 1124 indexed, and 4 non–indexed publications.
Dr Radke received the Best Free Paper by Resident Award in 2007 at the Annual State Conference, and was the winner of the Trauma session at the AIOC 2009. He was a runner up in the poster competition held by the SN-ARVO in 2011, and received a Certificate of Appreciation from the International Society of Ophthalmology in 2012,and Achievement Award of APAO,2019 Bronze medal,and LDP of APVRS,2020He is a life member of the AIOS, ROS, VRSI, OTSI, DOS, USI, Sankara Nethralaya Alumni, CGOS and RDOS,APVRS.
内外全科医学学士 (印度)
眼科医学硕士 (印度)
Sankara Nethralaya眼科医院 糖尿病性视网膜病变研究员(2008-2011)
印度眼科医学协会 终身会员
印度玻璃体视网膜协会 会员
德里眼科医学协会 会员
亚太玻璃体视网膜学会 终身会员
2019年亚太眼科学会(APAO) 成就奖得主
2020亚太玻璃体视网膜学会(APVRS) 领导力发展计划(LDP)铜牌